As far back as I can remember my family was heavily involved in church, scripture memorization and prayer. It was later when I was 10, after multiple affairs, that my mother divorced my father. This set me on a path of missed opportunities that a son should have with his father. For the next two years my mother did the best she could to maintain our focus on God but it was a struggle as she leaned on me for support while she managed the emotional train wreck that followed the divorce. When I was 12, at a Sunday night service the Lord opened my eyes to who I was in my sin, that he had chosen me and that he had sent his Son to pay the penalty for my sin, cleansing me for eternity. It was in that moment that the struggles of years' past didn’t hold the same weight. That didn’t mean that I didn’t continue to struggle with sin in the years to follow, but it did mean that I had God with me to walk through the rest of my life always calling me back to himself, teaching me his ways and humbling me by his relentless grace and compassion.
I find myself now (while not perfect but longing for that day!) immensely thankful for all that God guided me through, so that I may use those experiences (both good and bad) to help other sinners turn to Christ in all things, all for His Glory! I am thankful for the wonderful wife and 5 kids that the Lord has blessed me with. It is funny how God uses these closest of relationships to teach us about who he is and what he requires of us. I am also very thankful for King's Cross Church. We have been truly blessed to be a part of this church with its sound teaching, discipleship and fellowship.