I grew up in a loving home with wonderful parents. They believed church was a good thing but seldom went to church themselves. When I was about 10 years old, they would drop me off for Sunday School at the Baptist Church and pick me up afterward.

When I was 15 years old my mother was invited to a woman’s retreat. She was born again while at the retreat and came home a “new creation.” My father was soon saved. Our church was legalistic and focused on all the things a Christian can’t do. I was a very rebellious teenager and wanted nothing to do with the “straight and narrow” life. I caused my parents more than a few sleepless nights which they no doubt used to pray for me. Church attendance was no longer optional, and my frequent rebellious protests went unheeded. After a few years of sitting under the faithful preaching of the Word, the Lord saved me and gave me repentance and faith. I received a new heart and a new spirit. I was soon baptized, and I wanted to serve Jesus Christ. It was obvious to everyone that I was a new creation.

I would like to say that the fifty years since the day I was saved were a continual non-stop process of sanctification and spiritual growth. However, some years showed very little progress and even some “back sliding.” The decades brought marriage; Christian college; unwanted divorce; two amazing sons; graduate school; a 35-year business career; an alcoholic husband; six stepchildren; widowhood; marriage again; retirement; relocation from NY to Florida; caretaker for my parents.

My mother was a tireless worker for the Lord and would enlist me in many of her activities. We taught Sunday School, lead a bus ministry, directed VBS, organized a summer camp, planned mission conferences, etc. My finance background led to some wonderful service opportunities. These include treasurer for a mission organization to Haiti; children’s Bible clubs; a homeless ministry; a crisis pregnancy center and financial secretary for two churches.

I have been at King's Cross Church since 2017. My retirement years have been very fruitful for me. I spend more time in God’s word. I love my church family and ministering to other women. I still have so much to learn about God. I worked for many years to earn God’s favor and blessings. I never rested in the knowledge that I was a child of the King and as such he could only bless me. He has always been working the twists and turns of my life together for my good and his glory. Love never fails. All glory to our great God. I found this poem many years ago and it continues to bless me.

I do not know what still awaits

Or what the morrow brings,

But with the glad salute of faith

I hail its opening wings!

FOR THIS I KNOW - that in My Lord

Shall all my needs be met,

And I can trust the heart of Him

Who has not failed me yet.


Laura’s Testimony