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Let Love Be Genuine | Romans 12:9-21

Love is not a mark of the church - it is the mark. We are a community that has been shaped by God's grace, and that grace enables us to put others first as we pursue Christ together.

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The Glory of the Gospel | Romans 11:33-36

In light of the grandeur of the Gospel that Paul outlines from Romans 1:18-11:32, the apostle now stands in awe of God's nature and ways in this poetic benediction of God's holiness and glory.

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All Israel | Romans 11:25-32

God has always been at work among Israel & the nations to gather for Himself a people to ascribe Him glory. His mercy exceeds our disobedience, whether we are Jew or Gentile!

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The Kindness and Severity of God | Romans 11:13-24

In God's gracious choice, Gentiles have been grafted in to the beautiful olive tree of God's people. However, we are warned not to become arrogant and prideful towards Jews. All Christians are spiritual descendants of Abraham, and we must continue to follow in his footsteps, in the roof of faith alone! Pastor Micah teaches on Romans 11:13-24 at Shoreline!

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God Preserves a Remnant | Romans 11:1-12

God has consistently extended access of the Gospel to the Jews, who have had rejected it. Today the task of providing Gospel access to every tribe, nation, and tongue remains unfinished - thus we must pray, send, and go.

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Beautiful Feet | Romans 10:14-21

God has consistently extended access of the Gospel to the Jews, who have had rejected it. Today the task of providing Gospel access to every tribe, nation, and tongue remains unfinished - thus we must pray, send, and go.

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A Stone in Zion | Romans 9:25-33

Pastor Micah teaches on Romans 9:25-33. In this section of scripture, we see God’s mercy through rejection and God’s path to righteousness.

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