The Sanctity of Life | Genesis 8:20-9:7
In the post-flood world, God institutes a new mandate that includes protecting the lives of humans, who have been created in the image of God.
The Kindness and Severity of God | Genesis 7:1-24
God's judgment comes upon the entire earth in the form of a global, cataclysmic flood that extinguishes all life. Noah obeys God and enters the ark with his family as the floodwaters rise.
Noah's Obedience | Genesis 6:9-22
Noah, a righteous and blameless man, obeys God's command to build an ark which will save he and his family from a global flood - God's wrath on the world against sin. We get a glimpse of the Gospel in this sobering story of judgment and salvation.
The Consequence of Sin | Genesis 6:1-8
God’s righteous judgment is coming, yet we see His gracious favor on Noah, and in turn his gracious favor on all those who trust in Him!
The Fruit of Sin | Genesis 4:1-16
The murder of Abdel shows us the depravity of mankind, yet also points us to Christ!
The Gospel in the Curse | Genesis 3:8-24
The serpent, Eve, and Adam are cursed because of the Fall. But God demonstrates His mercy in promising the provision of Messiah who would reign victorious.
The Origin of Sin | Genesis 3:1-7
Sin entered the world in the garden of Eden through the serpent's temptation - who sowed doubt, distortion, and denial of God's Word.
The Origin of Woman & Marriage | Genesis 2:18-25
God graciously supplies man to rule the earth - beginning in the idyllic garden of Eden - for the priestly task of working and keeping it.
The Origin of Work | Genesis 2:4-17
God graciously supplies man to rule the earth - beginning in the idyllic garden of Eden - for the priestly task of working and keeping it.
...And He Rested | Genesis 2:1-3
Why does the whole world revolve around a seven day week? In our study of Genesis 2:1-3, we see that God’s rest and blessing of the seventh day has important implication for our lives today.
Alive! | Romans 5:18-22
All humanity is either in Adam, or in Christ. We must be born again and receive His salvific work on our behalf!
Created in God's Image | Genesis 1:26-31
God creates mankind in His own image, giving him dominion over creation as a stewardship.
Let There Be! | Genesis 1:3-25
God takes great care and artistry as He creates the world in six literal days. The word of the covenant-keeping God is a cherished gift to us, His creation!
If the Foundations Are Destroyed | Genesis 1:1-2
The book of Genesis is a book of origins - we root our biblical worldview upon this foundational first work in the canon of Scripture.
Epilogue (Part 2) | Romans 16:17-27
Paul has one more bit of admonition for the Romans: avoid those who would teach anything contrary to the Gospel!
Epilogue (Part 1) | Romans 16:1-16
Paul commends Phoebe to - and greets various people in - the church of Rome.
Helped On My Journey | Romans 15:22-33
Paul explains his travel plans to the Romans, asking them to both support his missionary plans in Spain as well as to strive together in prayer for him.
The Ministry Heart of God | Romans 15: 14-21
Paul's ministry focus shows us the heart of God and directs the decisions we make in life.
Truth, Mercy, & Hope | Romans 15:8-13
The work of Christ proves our faith in His trustworthy Word, provides mercy for the outcast sinner, and produces hope in all who trust in the Gospel!
With One Voice Glorify | Romans 15:1-7
The strong are to bear with the weak and follow Christ's example, bringing God glory through our united fellowship.