The Future Glory of Christ | Matthew 16:21-28
Pastor Micah preaches at King's Cross Church.
Who Do You Say That I Am? | Matthew 16:13-20
Pastor Micah preaches at King's Cross Church.
Watch & Beware The Poison of False Teaching | Matthew 16:1-12
Pastor Micah preaches at King's Cross Church.
Compassionate Crowd Control | Matthew 15:29-39
As Jesus showed compassion to the crowds of people for their physical and spiritual ailments, we are to show compassion to others. Pastor Micah preaches at King's Cross Church.
A Gentile's Faith | Matthew 15:21-28
Jesus is impressed by the faith of a Canaanite woman. Pastor Ryan preaches at King's Cross Church.
The All-Sufficient Savior | Matthew 14:22-36
The all-sufficient power and nature of Jesus Christ is demonstrated through his comfort of the disciples in the storm, his power to save Peter from drowning, and his miraculous healing of the sick. Pastor Micah preaches at King's Cross Church.
The Abundant Provision of Christ | Matthew 14:13b-21
Pastor Micah preaches at King's Cross Church.
The Phony King of Israel | Matthew 14:1-13a
King Herod of Israel has John the Baptist executed because he was cowardly and afraid of the opinion of others. Pastor Micah preaches at King's Cross Church.